Monday, April 13, 2020

How We’re Taking Care of Our Mental Health Right Now

Plus tips and ideas on ways you can protect your own mental health too
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Healthy Mind
Dear Verywell Mind readers,

Over the past couple of weeks, our Verywell team meetings have become more and more about how we're feeling and what we're doing to maintain some sense of normalcy during this time. We certainly don't have it all figured out. But we've put together a list of how we're taking care of our mental health right now and hope something in here resonates for you, too.

Also this week, we published a guide to how to encourage loved ones to engage in social distancing if they are not adhering to CDC's recommendations. This can be a tough but important conversation to have.

As we have now been living this new normal for several weeks, we're interested in what's on your mind and the type of content that could help you get through. Don't hesitate to reach out to me at with any suggestions.

Wishing you a safe week ahead,

  Rachel Berman, RD
  General Manager, Verywell
How We're Taking Care of Our Mental Health Right Now
What You Need to Know About Online Therapy
How to Encourage Your Loved Ones to Engage In Social Distancing
How to Cope With Loneliness During the Coronavirus Pandemic
verywell fit
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