Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ask an Expert: How Can I Deal With Fear-Mongering Texts From Friends and Family Who Are Anxious About COVID-19?

How can I stay calm and grounded while my friends and family are sending anxiety-filled texts to me? Here's what our Verywell Mind expert, Amy Morin, LCSW, recommends.
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Healthy Mind
Verywell Mind expert, Amy Morin, LCSW, answered:
There are a lot of different ideas about how concerned we should be about the coronavirus right now. And it's certainly creating a lot of tension among many friends, family members, and social media circles.

To keep the peace, you may decide to set some healthy boundaries for yourself. That may mean deciding you're not going to talk about certain subjects. Or, it might even mean muting them on social media so you can't see their posts. It's OK to say, "I think we both have strong opinions about this and we're coming at it from different angles. I am happy to avoid the subject in an effort to maintain our relationship." You might find your time is better spent discussing topics you enjoy, rather than getting into debates over things neither of you can control.

Read on to learn more about setting healthy boundaries as a way to manage your stress.

3 Ways to Build Real Empathy for Others in Your Life
Why Being Married With Children Can Be Stressful
Legal and Ethical Issues Related to Online Therapy
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