Sunday, March 15, 2020

Ask an Expert: How Do I Let Go of the Love I Have for Someone and Just Move On With My Life?

Just because your head tells you to move on, doesn't mean your heart is in the same place. You'll have to do some work to heal your broken heart.
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Healthy Mind
Verywell Mind expert, Amy Morin, LCSW, answered:
Whether you decided someone just isn't right for you despite your love for them or the other person doesn't love you back, moving forward can be tough. Just because your head tells you to move on, doesn't mean your heart is in the same place. You'll have to do some work to heal your broken heart.

Honor what you lost while vowing not to stay stuck in a place of pain. Don't follow the other person on social media and discontinue contact. It may be painful to do so, but it's best for you until your heart is healed. Otherwise, you'll struggle to move on.

Engage in fun activities, look for new things to do, and surround yourself with positive people. These things can keep you from dwelling on someone--and they can help you begin to move forward. Here are some more strategies for dealing with unrequited love.

What Is the Physical Touch Love Language?
4 Ways to Think More Positively
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